logo - Rumble Boxing
  • Size: 2,500 - 3,000 SF
  • Market: Miami Dade, Broward
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The Comras Company is pleased to represent Rumble Boxing in their expansion of new locations throughout South Florida.

Site Criteria
± 2,500 – 3,000 SF

Areas of Interest
Coral Springs

Why We Rumble
At its epicenter, Rumble is a collection of the most inspired and inspiring fitness instructors on the planet. Impressive athletes in their own regard, they step onto the podium at Rumble as part DJ, part motivational speaker, and complete Master of Ceremony. The 45 minutes that follows is an awesome orchestration of a workout engineered to custom hip-hop and house mash-ups. The music, the lights, the program, and the collective heartbeat of the room all come together as if it was a collaboration from the beginning.

For more information, visit: rumbleboxinggym.com

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